Microlearning and Flexible Compliance Training

Microlearning and Flexible Compliance Training

Let’s be real, compliance training is notoriously linked with boredom. The traditional 30 or 60-minute PowerPoint presentation has worn down generations of employees, forcing eyeball after eyeball to glaze over.

It’s a negative reputation that’s been years in the making, sure, but learning leaders hold the power to change how employees think about compliance training.

Thanks to stunning innovations in technology and portability, there’s been a renaissance of sorts going on in the training world. New styles of training have emerged that are far more suitable for the 21st-century learning environment.

It’s time to adapt your compliance training to the on-the-go nature of your employees. Through the implementation of micro-learning and flexible training content, you can ensure that your teams maximize learning and absorb value.

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How to Update Your Compliance Training

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Hazards of Data Overload

microlearning and ComplianceLine training

One of the problems with old school training methods was the high likelihood of data overload.

The old PowerPoint or projector-led presentations of the ’90s were absolutely chock full of data. Looking back, it seems that the goal was to force-feed as much information to participants as humanly possible, rather than taking a more measured, quality-first approach.

The classroom model experienced by your high school self is simply not built for optimal learning.

Results-Oriented over Data-Oriented

Modern training programs must focus on results. It’s not about the process itself (i.e., throwing a bunch of information at employees in 60-minute doses) it’s about immersion. Give employees an interactive experience that they can master at their own pace and in their own environment.

Present Large Topics in Small Bites, Or Microlearning

Small pieces of content are easier to consume than large chunks. (One reason Youtube is so popular.) Modern compliance training is about presenting large topics in a piecemeal fashion, empowering employees to learn at their own pace.

Even though it’s true that attention spans have become measurably shorter, that’s not the entire reason for using microlearning. Studies show that humans retain information at higher rates when they study in short, focused bursts.

Of course, microlearning isn’t the answer to every teaching situation. It isn’t effective for studying a large body of content that’s intended to be learned together. For example, a doctor wouldn’t want to study individual medical terms when they need to understand the entire pathology at play.

Thankfully compliance training isn’t like going to medical school, so microlearning is a great way to master policy components in short order.

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How to Update Your Compliance Training

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Advantages of Bite-Sized Learning

Incremental, microlearning content is not only easier to master, but it’s also proven to boost participants’ engagement with the material by 50%. Bite-sized learning enables individuals to laser focus on new material or material they struggle with in general.

Break large topics into 5-minute doses, max. Within that 5 minute span, use short videos of 90 seconds or less to illustrate subtopics and allow participants to replay the content as often as they want.

Microlearning is a pivotal mechanism for better compliance training especially when you need to address small changes to current policies. You can quickly upload a short series of videos explaining new policy changes in less time than it would take to organize a team meeting in-person.

Be Interruptible

learning approaches

People consume content in a myriad of ways and in a myriad of locations. They are on trains, airplanes, taxis, and working from home. It only makes sense that their content should travel with them.

Especially in the era of COVID-19, it’s never been more critical to give employees options for compliance training away from the office. Give participants the power to absorb information from anywhere and anyplace.

Think: Udemy Courses

To better understand the mobile learning process in a real-world setting, let’s review popular course software Udemy. Here’s how their model works. Users select and purchase their course then download the course videos to their laptops, phones, or tablets. They effectively own the material at that point and are free to consume it on their terms.

Each course is split into modules that cover larger topics. These topics are delivered in bite-sized doses via a series of short videos that are easy to consume.

When users consume this content at their own pace, they are destined to absorb more information long-term than they would from being force-fed it all at once.

The Udemy approach has proven successful across disciplines, including topics ranging from photography to engineering. Compliance training would be a viable topic for this module-based learning style as well.

ComplianceLine provides organizations with the tools to develop their own module-based training courses that participants can download similarly to Udemy.

On-Demand Compliance Training

Employees are used to having content available on-demand in their personal lives. Streaming apps like Netflix and Amazon Prime have made this the new norm. The same principles can apply to a work environment.

Let’s say you have a team of employees who are constantly on the road. You probably don’t want to force them into the office for their compliance training since it would take away from their other duties.

An easier way to connect with remote employees is to send them a link to the training course that includes on-demand modules they can access at any time. You can provide a time estimation for course completion so they understand how to approach the content and divvy up their time.

Flexibility = Empowerment

A flexible training process will make your employees feel more empowered and willing to learn. It will also help organizations reduce training costs and implementation time, which can improve overall KPIs.

Reduced classroom training gives employees more time to work on their normal tasks, while the mobile component allows them to absorb content on their terms.

Flexibility makes people better equipped with the information that matters most. Improve your compliance training by making it accessible for all.

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How to Update Your Compliance Training

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