Solving Business Quality Issues at Your Organization

Solving Business Quality Issues at Your Organization

Solving Business Quality Issues at Your Organization

This is the metric within the benchmark that has the most noise. Business quality refers to broad aspects of your business and the industry that you’re in. It encompasses things like customer service, quality of products, safety of the workspace, and more.

Different organizations have different definitions of business quality, some call it policy and others just call it HR. In the end, it’s really about your business’s overall favorability among your employees.

The amount of calls to your hotline about business quality issues says a lot about your organization and can provide important insights to affect change moving forward.

Here are some lessons you can learn from these calls and some strategies to help you procure more useful insights. More additional information get the 2020 hotline benchmark report below:

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What do Business Quality Call Volumes Mean?

Too many calls or too few calls? That is the question. Depending on your response, there could either be a cultural issue at play or a deeper, more systemic problem.

Alternatively, there could be a disconnect where people don’t understand the protocols set in place for proper reporting.

The industry benchmark is right around 20%, meaning that 1 in 5 calls are related to business quality. If your organization receives fewer than 1 in 5 calls, it could point to a lack of a ‘speak up’ culture.

How to Improve the Speak Up Culture

As we’ve discussed before, a ‘speak up’ culture is when your employees feel ownership of the reporting process. They feel free to call your hotline to report on compliance violations and they believe that their opinion matters.

To promote a more positive culture that values employee ownership, you must drive the point home through awareness campaigns and continued education.

Tap on folks within your organization and set up a roundtable discussion. These brainstorming sessions are great for starting the conversation and acquiring essential feedback. They also help employees feel more involved and collaborative which will encourage them to speak up more frequently in the future.

The name of the game is ownership. The more your team feels that they own the process, the more likely they will want to be involved.

Start a Specialty Line

Collect feedback via a dedicated phone line, or specialty line. Employees can freely call in, provide input on business quality-related issues, and feel safe doing so.

An ideation line encourages people to pick up the phone and suggest ways to improve your culture.

Get people involved and improve the system. Gives them something positive to report about, which will make them more likely to want to call and report things in the future.

Awareness and Education = Long-Term Success

Through roundtable discussions, specialty lines, and ample access to employee training, you can start seeing your business quality calls settle around the 1 in 5 mark.

Ample communication helps you stamp out tangible risks to your organization and team members. Based on their feedback, you can update policies, definitions, or your overall intake process.

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