11 Ways to Make Compliance Training More Interactive and Engaging 

11 Ways to Make Compliance Training More Interactive and Engaging 

When it’s time to take that compliance training, do your employees say (or think, perhaps?) something along the lines of “Let’s get it over with!”?

Compliance training doesn’t have to be boring. It doesn’t have to seem like a daunting task either. The fact is, matters of compliance can make or break an organization. They can even impact your people on an individual level. 

But how do you get your workforce to be genuinely interested in compliance education? The answer: spark their interest in your program by making it highly interactive, engaging, and fun. 

The goal of compliance training should go beyond meeting regulatory requirements. It should determine the course that a business and its employees will take in the future. Here, we unlock 10 ways to help you maximize the outcomes of your compliance program:

Harness the Power of Gamification 

Compliance training fulfills its purpose only when learners retain what they learn. But to retain compliance literature, your employees must first engage with it. 

This is where the power of gamification comes in. Gamification uses systems like leaderboards, competitions, badges, puzzles, levels, challenges, and more to foster healthy competition among learners while making the process more fun, memorable, and interactive.

The result? Your employees enjoy the process, retain most of what they learn, and display better learning outcomes. 

Enhance it with Storytelling 

As humans, we love stories. So, why not harness the power of good storytelling for your next training session? 

Telling stories that your employees can relate to can quickly boost engagement. One of the biggest advantages of storytelling is the way you can blend facts and context with emotion. Whereas remembering cold, hard stats is a tedious task, presenting the same content in the form of a story can work wonders!

Use Interactive Multimedia 

Compliance training should be more than just mountains of paragraphs. To make it engaging for learners, it’s vital to add clear, relevant, and unique audio-visual elements to it. 

Interactive multimedia leverages multiple types of digital content, including images, videos, texts, audio, animation, and more. This unlocks a dynamic and immersive experience for learners so they can easily engage with your content. 

By enhancing engagement, interactive multimedia boosts learning outcomes and helps learners apply their knowledge in the real world. 

Play with Scenarios 

While your compliance training must include top-notch content, how do you ensure all of it is relevant and relatable for your learners? 

The answer lies in using real-life situations your learners will likely experience. This will help connect them to your content and encourage them to learn it. Well-crafted scenarios will not only allow you to have the full attention of your listeners but also help them apply this knowledge in their job. 

Incorporate Quizzes 

Let’s say your compliance training has over ten modules. An employee progresses from module to module, finally reaching the last one. How much of that knowledge would they retain the next day? 

Now, picture a compliance course – complete with interactive media – with a fun quiz at the end of each module. Would your employees retain a good deal of what they learn throughout? Absolutely. 

Quizzes can be a powerful tool to test your employees’ knowledge and prepare them for any compliance-related issues in the future. Remember, though, quizzes shouldn’t be just about checking boxes. For your quizzes to be engaging, make sure you include things such as hints, time limits, scoring systems, and more. 

Add Discussions 

Your employees will learn when you talk with them, not at them. Compliance can be a relatively complex subject when not delivered well. For your learners to soak in the knowledge, it’s vital to incorporate a back-and-forth exchange. Discussion can allow employees to “process” compliance rather than simply hearing and forgetting it later. 

Include Role Playing 

Role-playing is another great way to boost your training engagement meter. When you throw a good number of situations at your team during training, it encourages them to explore the subject more, while building their confidence for handling similar encounters down the line. 

Role-playing creates a safe environment for your employees to encounter scenarios of noncompliance for the first time. It also helps learners explore the twisted lanes of ethical dilemmas and how to approach them by keeping their best ethical foot forward. 

Make it Mobile-Friendly

For your employees to master their compliance training, it’s important to leave room for maximum convenience. Most users today access everything via their mobile phones. Make sure your employees can access their training wherever they are and at a time that’s convenient for them. Your training should replicate the content that people typically explore when scrolling through their social media pages. This can boost engagement and encourage continuous learning.

Use Case Studies

Training should make learners more inquisitive, so they engage with content further, while keeping their knowledge intact for a long time. One way to do this would be to incorporate case studies into your sessions. 

What’s more, case studies paint the full picture of fairly complex topics such as compliance laws and regulations, why they matter, and what happens when they are compromised. Through case studies, your employees can also get a real-life taste of how these laws work and how they can implement them when the time comes. 

Make it Relatable 

The equation here is simple: what is relatable gets the attention. When your compliance literature is not relatable, your workers might have trouble engaging with it. Each employee must understand the relevance of compliance – specifically to their job role. 

Wrapping Up: Compliance Training Can Be Fun! 

The greatest roadblock to making compliance training interactive (and fun) is the flawed belief that training must be completed for reporting purposes. The importance of compliance cannot be stressed enough for businesses of all shapes and sizes. 

Businesses need no further examples of how a single instance of noncompliance is big enough to take down the most powerful corporate giants. Compliance plays a vital role in the success of every organization. It fosters a healthy workplace culture, boosts employee productivity, and attracts and retains top talent, loyal customers, and even shareholders. 

Remember, compliance starts with training. So, the question is, “How solid is your approach to offering compliance training?”
