Conflicts of Interest

Managing conflicts of interest disclosures across your network of stakeholders doesn’t need to be difficult. Our conflict of interest tool takes away the guesswork and organizes everything in one place.

Your participation rates are low because your process is a pain. Watch them skyrocket.

Transforming the reporting and approval process for both your HR or Compliance Team, as well as your stakeholders is easier than you think.

A cumbersome disclosures process yields low participation and a high abandonment rate, which results in you spending your time ‘herding cats.’ Our tool drives better engagement by simplifying the process and making the disclosures process easy on your people.

OIG Exclusion Monitoring

Managing your disclosure process from distribution to resolution should not be the bane of your existence. We can help.

Easily distribute annual surveys and questionnaires for response

  • Automate tagging of records corresponding to negative questionnaire responses
  • Document resolutions tied directly to each respondent
  • System retains responses from previous questionnaires for comparison
  • Capture insights into potential risks with custom reporting

Why are COIs so difficult?

  • COIs are one of the most slippery risks that a company can face, and can result in fines, lawsuits, and even jail time. How do you defend against such a broad risk?
  • Training and awareness is integral in reducing your COI risks. Ensuring you can identify and manage a COI is the first step towards COI security.
  • Check out the full show: On-Demand Masterclass: Managing Conflicts of Interest
Training & Communications
Save time and focus on what you do best
The Importance Of Screening Vendors
Drive better engagement by automating the process

Simplified Reporting Process Increases Reporting Rates

Customizable web-based forms that let stakeholders easily report disclosures will cause your participation rates to dramatically increase.

Identify Issues Sooner

Siloed ethics and compliance processes and datapools lose opportunities for connections and trends to tell the real risk story. By correlating issues in your organization to disclosure information you can see around the curve and proactively protect your organization against risk.

Compliance focused on people, not useless red tape
Proactively protect your organization against risk